Auteur/autrice : admin
[Systeme] Create a logical volume for ora2pg
Create a logical volume of 450 Go volume group : vg_appslogical volume : lv_ora2pgmigFS : /dev/mapper/vg_apps-lv_ora2pgmigMounted on : /apps/ora2pg/migrationlvcreate -L 450G -n lv_ora2pgmig vg_apps mkfs.ext4 /dev/mapper/vg_apps-lv_ora2pgmigmkdir -p /apps/ora2pg/migrationmount /dev/mapper/vg_apps-lv_ora2pgmig /apps/ora2pg/migration
[PostgreSQL]tables sans oid en big serial
select sch.nspname as schemaname, tab.relname as tablename, col.attname as columnname, col.attnum as columnnumber, col.atttypid, typ.typname as columntypefrom pg_attribute coljoin pg_type […]
existe depuis la 11G , adrci est un outil pratique pour à la fois visualiser facilement le contenu de l’alert.logpurger les fichiers de logs , trace, et incidentspacakger les incidents ou les […]
[PostgreSQL] Find all the table and index size
SELECT TableName ,pg_size_pretty(pg_table_size(TableName)) AS TableSize ,pg_size_pretty(pg_indexes_size(TableName)) AS IndexSize ,pg_size_pretty(pg_total_relation_size(TableName)) AS TotalSize FROM ( SELECT (‘ »‘ || table_schema || ‘ ». »‘ || table_name || ‘ »‘) AS TableName FROM information_schema.tables ) AS Tables […]
[PostgreSQL] Streaming Replication Monitoring Script
Script de création d’une fonction « streaming_slave_check » pour la réplication en postgreSQL.
[Oracle] Calculate the lobs size
#!/bin/sh#script to calculate the lobs sizesqlplus /nolog<<!EOF conn / as sysdbaspool req1.sqlset head offset feed offselect ‘SELECT max(dbms_lob.getlength( »’||col.column_name|| »’)) from ‘||col.owner||’.’||col.table_name||’;’from sys.dba_tab_columns col inner join sys.dba_tables t on col.owner = t.owner and […]
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PostgreSQL Un tour d’horizon !
PostgreSQL around the world PostgreSQL 16 is out. Digging into PostgreSQL iceberg PostgreSQL partitioning Who does PostgreSQL