Catégorie : Oracle12C,19C
Récupérer les infos de stats en base
Pour connaître les infos des stats dans la base Oracle. SET LINESIZE 250 COLUMN autostats_target FORMAT A20 COLUMN cascade FORMAT A25 COLUMN degree FORMAT A10 COLUMN estimate_percent FORMAT A30 COLUMN […]
Problème de compilation de trigger RMAN après montée de version en 12.2
alter trigger RMAN.VPC_CONTEXT_TRG disable; => marche pas 🙁 lancer : @?/rdbms/admin/dbmsrmanvpc.sql -vpd rman puis UPGRADE CATALOG ; source
Merci aux dev SQL
Merci aux dev sql qui m’ont bien aidé sur ce forum :
ORA-609: opiodr aborting process unknown ospid
The Solution To resolve this error, you must increase the values for INBOUND_ CONNECT_ TIMEOUT on both the listener side and the server side. If you are getting ORA-609 because […]
Tuning SQL ID Summary You can create an SQL TUNING TASK manually ad hoc with the following simple steps. ALTER SESSION SET NLS_LANGUAGE=’AMERICAN’; 0. Find the sql_id of the oracle session you […]
Stats missing
Pour afficher les stats sur les tables : set pages 200 col index_owner form a10col TABLE_NAME for a40col table_owner form a10col owner form a10 spool checkstat.lst PROMPT Regular Tables select […]
Script for check all the enabled auditing on Database
–Check the parameter is enabled or disable for Auditselect name || ‘=’ || value PARAMETER from sys.v_$parameter where name like ‘%audit%’;–Statement Audits Enabled on this Databasecolumn user_name format a10column audit_option […]
Stats Oracle SYSTEME et schema
Voir si les stats Oracle sont calculées sur mon schéma : set lines 150set pages 3000col TABLE_NAME for a30col INDEX_NAME for a30col COLUMN_NAME for a30 define schema=&schema spool stats_&schema […]
Migrate database from One RMAN catalog to another RMAN catalog
Migrate database from One RMAN catalog to another RMAN catalog Migrate database from One RMAN catalog to another RMAN catalog In that scenario we will move catalog from […]